Better Chicken Commitment
CAVA is focused on sourcing premium, fresh ingredients in humane and sustainable ways, and to working with farmers, ranchers, and suppliers who share our values.
This work includes a deep commitment to improving the welfare of broiler chickens. In 2019, we set a goal of sourcing 100 percent of our chicken from suppliers that meet standards endorsed by the Better Chicken Commitment, including:
Using breeds proven to have better welfare outcomes
Reducing maximum stocking density to give birds more space
Improving living environments including litter, lighting, and enrichment
Processing chickens more humanely through a multi-step controlled-atmosphere processing system.
We annually survey our chicken suppliers against these standards. Many have implemented several of them, and we are working with them to drive continued progress.
Our most recent survey asked our suppliers about chicken they supplied to CAVA in 2023. They told us that 97 percent of the chicken we sourced met the standard for litter that supports well-being and 72 percent met the standard of providing eight hours of light and six hours of darkness. 34 percent was raised in compliance with the stocking density standard, and 31 percent had enrichments like elevated resting places, hay bales, and objects to explore. Finally, approximately 26% was sourced from a supplier that uses controlled-atmosphere processing. While there is still work to do, we remain committed to broiler chicken welfare and are working diligently with our suppliers to drive further progress and deliver on that commitment. We will report annually on our progress.